Zeno Clash is a game made by ACE Team, a indie games company from Chile. You can grab yourself a copy of this bad ass game from steam for £15 and it truly is worth the buy for any games fan.
The gameplay in the game is relatively simple. With level after level of fist fighting and shooting your way through the levels this fast paced game with blow you away with its combat system.
The story line is awesome although a little weird. It was safe to say i was hooked to the storyline as i sat the other evening and completed the game in one sitting. Just because i completed in one night does not mean the game is short, this game has alot to offer.
Now onto the best thing about that the game! the fantasy world that the characters live in, portrayed amazingly well by the artists.
The truly unique world of strange creatures and varying landscapes make this game very enjoyable to explore.
I will leave you with a screenshot of my favorite creature and a screenshot of my favorite "Corwid" (The Corwids are not slaves to reality ), Oxameter is a guy who thinks that he must walk in a straight line...he is quite clearly mad but you end up following a bit of his story and its both strange and sad :(

Oxameter is indeed inside that suit.