Tuesday, 4 November 2008

The start of all things blog like.

Hi, this is the start of my blog.

Ill start by telling you what is going to be include in this blog, why I'm going to bother polluting the web with my waffle and who i am.
I am AJ, full name Andrew Jones, i am currently at student at Derby University (England). The course i am studying is BSc (Hons) Computer Games Programming (http://www.derby.ac.uk/games). One of the most important things to me is to become a games programmer.
I'm not going to pretend that i am a good writer and i am dyslexic and so i apologise for the bad writing, grammer and spelling (although i do have a spellchecker here).
This blog is basicly going to contain some ramblings about:
  • What i am doing on my course.
  • Anything relvant to my course.
  • Anything i am intresting in thats happening in the games industry.
  • And basicly reviews of games and gadgets i may buy.
The reason i think this is worth blogging about is that people who want to learn how to program games and people intrested in the games industry may find my blog informative and find it relivant to thier intrests.

I hope this will intrest and entertain you.


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