For now I'll dump you with a bunch of work that I promised you after my grades were out, so here we go. I'm not gonna give you the grade I got for the work; I am just posting it so you can get an idea of what the work on the course is like. I will tell you though that I didn't fail anything and everything here is higher than a D.
You are free to use bits or all of this work as long as you reference me (also an email would be nice).
This is my Algorithms and Data structures work. This is the code for a binary tree based address book program, also included is a small report and the tests I ran.
This is my game design document that I made for the Game Design Module.
This is a piece I did for the Computing Environment Module. This is the only bit of the module I enjoyed doing.
This is my Software Development II project. In this piece of work we had to take our lectures information card storing program and write a plug in so that it handled two more types of information.
Hope you can make use of these. All the best if you are doing similar pieces of work.
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