Tuesday, 16 December 2008


I've been busy for sometime now doing my course assignments. These few weeks of the course have broke a few people. 20% more of the course has dropped out over the assignments and i hear of and see peoples work that makes me think they will be kicked off the course. Its very hard to workout what John Sear (CGP program leader) whats from us. In my last Ludology lecture he explained the work we must do over Christmas. We must learn to use Microsoft's XNA development kit to be ready for game design next semester. While i have Christmas work on my mind and how i can possibly interact with my family after not having to for so long i must remember to revise!
Revision has been brief because of assignment work, socialising and getting ready for 25 man raids on WoW but i am pretty confident with the material.

My Ludology assignment (remaking Kirby) was good but i feel the level i supplied to show gameplay was a little brief. I will upload the playable game here so you guys can have a go around mid January when i get my mark. This may also help you understand what level of work you must do for grades.

My Computer Architecture assignment took me a long time because i'm not very good at writing but i got through it and submitted a piece of work that i felt very happy with. I'll publish it as a post once i've got my mark back for it.
I have an exam for Architecture today and on wednesday i have to pitch my game of Kirby to my tutors as they pretend to be publisher for 40% of my ludology mark.

My game of Boggle for Software Development I is intresting. I have aced part1 and 2 and found them very easy but i have struggled on part 3. It is because i need to revise for other subjects that i have decided to call it quits on it and hand it in the way it is. My hope is that it is enough to get a B. Ill post a clean bug free version of part 2 Boggle some around mid-January.

On World of Warcraft i have been farming heroics with my flat mate and we have successfully applied to a Naxx 25man guild so i will be in Naxx 25man by Thursday. Should be on farm by the time i get ready to start lectures again after Christmas.

My Plan is to get a nice XNA game (hopefully in 3D) working some time after Christmas. I will post my progress on this blog and i will release my program as open source and let you have a look at the code and play around with it if you wish.
Once i had a good clone game running in XNA ill start work on original game mechaincs for a game that i plan to release on Xbox Live Arcade sometime in the summer.

Sorry i haven't been able to explain everything in much detail. Once this week ends and i have some time to clear my head at home i will post some more stuff in more detail and i will explain my work as i post it for download in January.

In other news i saw the film "The Day The Earth Stood Still" with the writer of Screen Suck blog so check his review out at http://geekshed.blogspot.com .

Check back soon!

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