Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Wrath of the Lich King

As you may already know i play allot of world of warcraft so i thought i better post my opinion on the newest expansion "Wrath of the Lich King" i feel i can now do a proper review as i have seen almost all of the content. I have healed all the 5-man and 10-man content as a resto shaman and it has been alot of fun. With my current guild "Freex" (http://www.freex-bladefist.com) starting 25-man raids next week i am still enthused to play.

When i first got to Northrend the first thing that struck me was the sudden change in art the art style of the gear and of the environment. The whole thing feels allot grittier (in a good way).
The first complaint i have about the new expansion is that the new gear (of which there are huge amounts) looks exactly the same. You will go from 68-80 with what looks to be exactly the same gear but the stats will get better as you go up. This gets depressing when you are 80 and trying 2 replace your gear with epics and you still have shoulders that look like the level 68's shoulders who is standing next to you.

As i leveled there was a huge amount of quests that involved new game mechanics such as vehciles and a few lame attempts of covering up the standard boar killing quest but all in all it was the funnest 10 levels in the game and at no point did i feel like quiting the game like i did when i wanted to level to 70 before the 20-60 exp boost patch.

Once you reach the end game there is the usually gear jump between what you get at level78-79 and the gear you gather from heroics which leads to groups not wanting you to tank or heal for them till you lie about your gear a few times which can be annoying but is nothing new to warcraft or MMORPGs in general.

Blizzard has tried to make some raids more accessible to casual players which has lead allot of the more hardcore players to complain about the game being too easy.
I was in Naxx today having allot of fun taking down the bosses which i could not do in Burning Crusade as quickly which has made the whole experience allot more enjoyable.

On the whole if you didn't like WoW before you are not going to like it now, but if you got bored of TBC or have stopped playing then WotLK is a really good expansion and i would recommend it to anyone.

Good times.

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