Friday 7 November 2008

Review: World Of Goo By 2D Boy

Well, being on a games programming course has changed my views somewhat of what makes a game good or bad. This review is written from the view of someone who does not want triple A titles like World of Warcraft to take over the gaming world (not that i don't enjoy playing WoW as u will most probably realise on the 13th of November as i go hyper over the release of wrath of the lich king).

World Of Goo was developed by "2D Boy" a company that consists of two guys. Ron Carmel and Kyle Gabler make up the dream team. These guys have done an awesome job. This is on of the best games i have played in a long time and trust me i play allot of games!

Check them out at

The game basically consists of building structures out of "goo", a sort of cross between a creature and a flexible yet sturdy building material, to reach the goal which is a pipe that will suck up any goo that remains unused. The only game i can think of to compare this game to is the classic game Lemmings but with its crazy physics engine and the range of activities and puzzles in the game i believe it is far more than just a clone of an existing game like most modern titles seem to be.
The excellent cartoon graphics and the cleanness of the interface and interaction with the world make for an enjoyable gameplay experience. I have enjoyed every second i have been playing it and would highly recommend it to anyone.

I give this game 9/10 because it is so good. The only reason i would not give it 10 out of 10 is that it took me about 6 hours to complete and although there are elements within the game to keep you playing on after you have completed the story i did not feel compelled to play them. I will, on the other hand, pick this game up in about a years time and have fun playing the missions through again. I am sure of it.

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